Brand Asset Management Software Capabilities

The Brand Manager allows you to manage your brand and syndicate its digital assets to the social media accounts of local retailers selling your products.

Brand Asset Management Software Capabilities

The Brand Manager allows you to manage your brand and syndicate its digital assets to the social media accounts of local retailers selling your products.

The Key to Effective Brand Management

Brand management is one of the most elusive yet important elements of marketing. A brand is the sum of all the ways your company and its products are represented. As much thought and planning as you put into shaping your brand, some things are beyond the control of your marketing team. Out in the world of social media and retailer communications, a brand sometimes seems to take on a life of its own. The more you can drive the narrative about your brand, the greater your control and the more powerful your brand.

Brand Management

What is Brand Management?

Everyone defines branding a little differently. In turn, brand management means something slightly different to each marketer. However, at its core, brand management is the way that you communicate the essence of your company — everything from the value proposition of your products to your core values — to the public. 

For decades, advertising was essentially one-way communication. Think about television commercials, print ads, or store window displays. Marketers were able to exercise great control over how and where their brand was seen. In a more interactive landscape, filled with influencers and the ubiquitous “comments” section, many players beyond your office walls take part in shaping your brand.

Consistency is crucial to your brand. One or two pieces of content or negative publicity can erode your brand equity. While it’s hard to put a price on brand equity, when it starts to lose value, eventually so does your bottom line. 

Software for Brand Management

The best way to get out in front of a digital conversation is with a digital solution. Numerous tools on the market allow you to monitor your brand. You can learn, in real time, when the media mentions your brand or when a customer writes a review, for example. There are tools for measuring brand awareness and sentiment. Great reporting and monitoring can inform decisions. However, monitoring your brand is not the same as it. 

Other software products allow you to create and manage the digital assets that support your brand message. You can then manage messaging and reactions to public discussion. In fact, brands invest heavily in these software tools, and many do an excellent job at the national level. A key component of most of them is every marketer’s favorite frenemy, social media.

Social Media is a Key Piece of Brand Management

To succeed at brand management requires succeeding at social media. Just as you use software to manage ad placement or content marketing, social media requires some kind of digital dashboard to keep all of the pieces moving in harmony.

Social media management software lets a marketing team manage digital assets through:

  • Social media scheduling and management
  • Social media post management
  • Social media planning
  • Social media asset syndication

In addition to distributing social content, digital asset management software may also let you create assets, either within your marketing department or in collaboration with a graphic design team. Actually, this early step is often the one that requires the greatest investment. You want any assets to look and sound exactly as they should to maintain brand consistency and show your products in their best light. Once you make this investment, you do your company a disservice if you fail to strategically use, schedule and syndicate it.

Your Brand’s Local Marketing Strategy

The best social media asset management tool in the world won’t shore up your brand identity without one critical component: your retailers. Retailers are part of their local communities, and they talk about your products on social media. When you leave it up to them, they may misrepresent you, dilute your brand or worse, forget about you.

    Part of your brand management strategy must include a local strategy. That means partnering with your retailers and enabling them to reach their local communities with your brand’s image fully intact. When you have already invested in top-notch digital assets, you may as well make the most of their value by sharing them with local audiences.

      Tap your retailers in their brick and mortar locations to carry your branding through to their social media audiences. You might engage them with a co-op advertising strategy or a less structured relationship, as long as the two of you work in harmony.

        Because ThumbStopper is vertically-agnostic, our Brand Manager tool will provide your brand with location marketing strategies and management for any product or service that relies on a network of independent partners or retailers to represent your brand locally.

          ThumbStopper’s Brand Manager Gives You Control

          Thumbstopper seeks to bridge the disconnect between brands and retailers by pushing brand content to the retailer’s social media accounts effortlessly. Retailers embrace this arrangement, since it gives them great quality content and saves them valuable time. You benefit by creating a local brand management strategy that gives you greater control over your brand and visibility among a wider audience.

          Brand Manager will effectively:

          • House your digital assets and manage their distribution across your entire retail network
          • Adjust the distribution of your content to fit the needs of your retailers according to  type of product, regionality, tags, keywords, etc.
          • Manage your entire content distribution across multiple locations with ease and efficiency
          • Set a custom cadence that determines when your content is posted across your retail network

          With social media as the key to effective brand management, you simply cannot afford to ignore it at the retailer level. Take a look at Thumbstopper today and learn how it can empower your brand management plan.