
How Brand Manager™ Helps You Achieve Your Co-Op Advertising Goals

Welcome to ThumbStopper’s Brand Manager™, the smart software solution that focuses on automating the process of providing retailers and dealers across the world with brand-curated content for their social media platforms. Our mission is simple: to equip brands and OEMs with the flexible, intelligence-powered tools they need to automatically syndicate content to their entire retail network.  

With that in mind, you might be asking, how does Brand Manager™ help a brand achieve their co-op advertising goals? ThumbStopper’s Brand Manager™ was built to handle any brand’s complexities, from the simple to the sophisticated. By pulling in content automatically from the sources you choose, including your own social pages or DAM’s, getting your content ready for syndication is easy. In Brand Manager™’s intuitive interface, you can quickly tag posts for region, language, brand, and product line to ensure your retailers only receive the content that’s germane to their needs. You can also personalize posts at scale to automatically include dealer-specific information like dealership name, location, and website URL.   

Worrying about how often your retailers are logging in to find your content is a thing of the past. After they’ve approved a one-time connection request from ThumbStopper, content will automatically start flowing according to your specifications, without having to rely on your dealers to do anything further. 

But how about tracking performance from your end? We provide brands & OEMs of all sizes with a detailed analytics dashboard filled with insights you need to get the data-driven feedback you’re looking for. 

With an array of performance dashboards, you’ll gain insights on dealer-specific data you’ve never had before. Starting with the Retailer & Brand Content Performance tab, you can view content-specific metrics so you can easily determine which content types provide the best impressions and engagement for your brand at the local level. Meanwhile, the Brand & Retailer Advertising Performance tabs give you an over-arching view of your entire retail network’s advertising performance, giving you a front-row seat to the success of your new syndication strategy. 

To foster even more growth with your retailers, we introduced Pulse, a mobile app on iOS and Android that gives your retailers additional content options while they’re on the go. Pulse is intuitive and built from the ground up to work seamlessly with the Brand Manager™ ecosystem and allows dealers to further engage with your content that’s shared to their social pages. 

 Interested in seeing how Brand Manager™ can help get your brand out to the world? Visit 

ThumbStopper’s Brand Manager™ provides brands with an efficient platform that automatically posts content on your retailer’s social feeds and provides your team with an all-encompassing analytics dashboard that includes all of your brand-curated content. 
