
What Can Brand Asset Management Software Do?

Let’s say you work in social media marketing for a large national or international brand. While you’re busy juggling paid ad campaigns, SEO friendly organic content, and personalized media packages to syndicate to your retailers… you’re going to notice a major hurdle. You’re dealing with a tremendous number of media assets! That’s where brand asset management software comes into play: to assist you in maintaining large content libraries & executing complex marketing strategies across multiple media platforms. 

To be specific, Brand Asset Management software is roughly defined as a centralized dashboard for building content libraries and managing both paid & organic campaigns. If implemented correctly, brand asset management software can directly enhance the efficiency of your digital media syndication workflow, complement your existing marketing strategy, and serve as a centralized location for complex analytics. 

An important feature to look for, for a brand that sells through local, independent retailers, is the ability to easily share content that’s germane to each individual retailer. After linking your brand’s media accounts and providing access to your agency partners and retail network, you’re able to manage all of your platforms with unmatched consistency because all of your media assets will be coming from the same place. You’ll need the ability to ensure that your agency partners and retail network are only able to access the latest content, and the content that’s right for their needs, so they aren’t left grabbing an image of an old logo or last year’s model. What’s more, you’ll need software that makes logging in and sharing easy, so your network will actually market your assets for you.  

Ensure that your content is easily customized but within your brand standards so it can be personalized to the retailer or campaign that’s using it, or you’ll risk your brand’s integrity. If your retail network can’t alter your content to meet their needs within your brand management software, there’s a frightening chance that they may take it into their own hands, displaying your brand against your competitors in their collateral. 

With the digital landscape constantly growing & evolving, Brand Management software that allows for seamless, personalized content flow can serve as your one constant in a sea of ever-changing digital variables. 

To wrap it all up, Brand Asset Management Software can save you time, maintain consistency across your entire network, and give you a front row seat to the data-driven analytics you need to make investment decisions in the future. 

If you’re interested in learning more about a flexible brand asset management solution that automates the process of syndicating customizable social content to your entire retail network, visit 
