Organic Reach Increase Calculator

Check out ThumbStopper’s Organic Reach Increase Calculator to see how much further your content can go with ThumbStopper.

Truly Amplify Your Content with ThumbStopper

The Organic Reach Increase Calculator was designed to give you valuable information about how much further your brand’s expensive assets can go when you leverage the power of your retail network. By syndicating your brand’s content across your entire retail network, you’ll enjoy better organic reach from the eyes that matter most.

Here are the facts: SMBs on Facebook with less than 5,000 Fans typically see an Organic Reach of 12%, while brand pages with 50,000+ Fans see an Organic Reach of around 2%. While a few of your retailers with 2,500 Fans on average won’t really move the needle on increasing your content reach, when you leverage your entire retail network of 50, 500, or 5,000 retailers, you’ll really feel the impact of increasing visibility for your brand.

Find out how far your brand can go by filling out the short form; we’ll email your results instantly, and how we calculated them for you.

Learn More About Local Social Marketing

Local social marketing should be a key channel brand managers should consider when they rely on a network of independent retailers and dealers to sell their products.