
Stats at the Touch of a Button

Robust analytics provide actionable insights into the performance of your content and how it influences your target consumer.

ThumbStopper’s real-time analytics and custom-tailored reports empower your brand with insights to determine what works with your customers.

How Did We Do That?

Imagine being able to see, at the click of a button, the top-performing pieces of content across your retail network. They’re all using the same branded hashtags created by your brand. Your latest product launch just went viral, and all the data is organized in a single reporting dashboard. It would be impossible to accurately track this without being connected to your retail network, but with ThumbStopper, this power is available to you in our patented Brand Manager.

Data at Your Fingertips

The culmination of your brand’s network effect translates into data aggregated from your entire retail network. With ThumbStopper, brands inherit all their retailers’ followers, gaining access to statistics from the entire retail network. Analytics and detailed reports are available for any brand all in a single dashboard.

With Knowledge Comes Power

Our platform’s ability to aggregate data from every retailer subscribed to the brand manager provides your brand with an overarching look at how your content is being received.

Brands can view retailer-centric and content-centric metrics, providing a general and granular look at how effective your content is. This allows brands to identify which hashtags and strategies had the most impact in their retail network.

Statistics are rolled into a quarterly report that helps your brand understand where your content succeeded and failed.

How Big Is Your Brand-To-Local Social Divide?

Qualify for a complimentary Brand-To-Local Social Audit to see what percentage of your retailers are connected to your brand on social.